Location: Málaga
Author: José Seguí Pérez. Arquitecto
Date: 1995

On the initiative of the Municipal Institute of Housing (Malaga City Council), the interior remodeling of an apple adjacent to Calle Victoria and Calle Conde is proposed in order to create a proposal for 94 public housing units and commercial premises as a result of the internal arrangement of said block. In this way, an interior space is projected that, as a “square”, structures the built-up set of the proposal with its pedestrian streets that will connect with the adjacent urban frames, allowing its spatial and road permeability with these frames.
It is worth highlighting the search for the visual perspectives of these spaces with the reference elements of the Torrijos Monument in the Plaza de la Merced and the connections with the pedestrian corridors that make up the magnificent facades made at the beginning of the 20th century by the architect Gerónimo Cuervo, also adjacent to the proposal.